Monday, August 6, 2012

Summer “Spring Cleaning”

When Mickey asked me to move in over a year ago, I don't know if the poor boy had any idea of how much stuff was coming with me! Instantly the guest room became my "getting ready" room. As we start looking for a bigger home, I am trying to de-clutter and keep it looking clean and homey.

I took this weekend to attack my closet which needed some SERIOUS help!

I read some excerpts from a new book from one of my favorite bloggers, Emily Schuman from Cupcakes and Cashmere, and got some inspiration for organizing. First, I bagged a lot of out of date clothes for a tag sale/donation. The rest was patience.

Although it is not a walk-in closet, I feel like I can find things easier now. And my necklace board keeps my chains from getting tangled.

P.S. If you're wondering who that cutie in the black and white photo on my mirror is, that's my dad. Love him to pieces.

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