Friday, August 17, 2012

I’m on the Rag(nar)

It seems that Ragnar is sweeping the country, lately, with today being the start of the Great River relay race in Minnesota. I was recently convinced by my running partner, Jaye, to join her and her husband on the first ever Cape Cod Ragnar last March. 3 days, 6 women, 6 men, 2, 15-person vans, and 189 miles in 48 hours? "OK" was my response.
I have to admit, I was a bit skeptical at first. The trek to get to the starting line was crazy for me (flying out of Tampa at 8:15 on a Thursday night, landing in Providence at midnight, renting a car, and driving 1.5 hours to Massachusetts, all to get up at 6 a.m. to start the race!). When I got up after my Thursday night/Friday morning trek, I got to meet my team for the first time. Was I going to like these people? I mean, we would be within the same vehicles, sweaty and tired and hungry, for 2 days! What was I thinking!?!?
Then we got to the starting line and I saw this:

And this….

And this…

And when the starting horn went off…..

I knew I was hooked!

I highly recommend this race! Next year, I am thinking Key West and Chicago! Who's in!?!?

1 comment:

  1. [...] if you want to know about my personal experience with the Ragnar Cape Cod race, check out my prior [...]
